90 Minute Astrology Birth Chart Reading
An astrological birth chart provides a snapshot of how the sky appeared when you took your very first breath. An interpretive reading of your personal chart opens up a wealth of information about what makes you, well...you! This reading will shed light on your life's recurring themes, innate talents, communication dynamics, health habits, fortunate blessings, relationship patterns, personal challenges, and how to achieve balance, contentment and most important—growth—along your evolutionary path.
This online reading may be booked by clicking on the 'Bookings' tab. This session is delivered via Zoom and a link to connect will be sent prior to the reading.
When booking this reading, please make sure to include your complete birth info (birth date including year, exact birth time and birth city and country) in the booking message, to ensure that your reading is accurate.
Please note that all reading/session fees are prepaid and non-transferable.
If you need to reschedule, you can do so at no additional charge more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.
If a rescheduling request is made within 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, a 30% fee will apply.
Unfortunately there are no rescheduling options given if you do not answer/show at the time of your appointment. Your courtesy and understanding of this term is greatly appreciated.