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Happy New Year! 2024 is off to a strong start, thanks to a highly goal-oriented Capricorn season.

Capricorn season began on December 21, when the sun settled into the most hard-working, sign of the zodiac. As we kick off 2024, the goat's determined focus (combined with nearly all planets moving direct!) will motivate us to take bold steps towards our big goals.

Check out January's key astrological dates to master the upcoming month:

January 1—Mercury Direct in Sagittarius: After a contemplative December, Mercury's forward movement through expansive Sagittarius inspires us to broaden our minds. Go ahead and sign up for that course of study you've been researching or proceed with those exciting long-distance travel plans! This energy is also perfectly aligned with making New Year's resolutions—especially in the form of a vision board, as Sagittarius is the visionary of the zodiac! January 4—Mars Enters Capricorn: In its sign of exaltation, Mars can help you tackle those New Year’s resolutions with the appropriate amount of grit needed to get through your ambitious list. The next 6 weeks may also be extra busy with work tasks, but you'll be amazed at what can be accomplished during this highly productive transit.

January 11—New Moon in Capricorn: While Capricorn usually takes a more cautious approach to planning, 2024's first new moon brings a wave of excitement due to its connection with electrifying Uranus. Pay attention to the intuitive messages you receive at this time, as they can help to achieve your goals faster, by adopting more innovative approaches. January 13—Mercury Enters Capricorn: As Mercury moves forward into Capricorn, we'll have the opportunity to complete any projects that were delayed due to unforeseen obstacles during December's retrograde. Your mental focus should be much sharper at this time, and by January 20th (when the Mercury retrograde post-shadow period ends), you should be able to put closure on any arduous tasks and be ready to hang out with friends.

January 20—Sun Enters Aquarius: The vibe shifts pretty dramatically over the next 4 weeks, as we turn our focus towards friendship and freedom! Take a break from work and celebrate your accomplishments with old friends or connect with new social groups who inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone.

January 20—Pluto Enters Aquarius: Hours after the Sun moves into Aquarius, transformational Pluto follows suit. As Aquarius is the most community-oriented sign of the zodiac, this transit (lasting until 2044!), will encourage us to be more humanitarian. If there's a social issue you're passionate about, this is the time to join the cause and make a profound difference in the lives of others. January 23—Venus Enters Capricorn: A week after 'Blue Monday', Venus, the planet associated with pleasure and money, gets a sobering wake-up call from pragmatic Capricorn. Don't be surprised if the post-holiday debt feels a little overwhelming at this time, but don't freak out either. This transit is simply asking you to cut back on frivolous spending and get in better financial shape. January 25—Full Moon in Leo: With its challenging connection to optimistic Jupiter, January's full moon in Leo echoes Venus in Capricorn's concerns about excessive pleasure. Now's the time to acknowledge any addictive activities that have been hindering your self-confidence and let them go for good. January 26—Uranus Direct in Taurus: If the full moon has you feeling intense emotions around letting go, revolutionary Uranus moving forward in value-minded Taurus will help you see the big picture and recognize your innate gifts. And as late January shifts us more deeply into the age of Aquarius, you'll soon realize how those gifts can help heal the world.



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