On July 22nd, the sun entered its home sign of confident Leo, reminding us to live out loud, love ourselves fully, and show off our bold creativity. That being said, Mercury will turn retrograde on the 4th, meaning this particular Leo season also has a contemplative vibe to it. Feelings of nostalgia and uncertainty could creep in, so it’s important to stay in a creative space to avoid anxiety. Instead of drowning in your feelings or denying them, dive into those pensive places through writing, singing, dancing or any enjoyable activity that helps you process big emotions. It can also be helpful to engage in reflective practices like journaling, mind-mapping or tarot, to re-evaluate your plans and brainstorm improved ideas for your future.
Check out August's key astrological dates to help you prepare for this dynamic month:
August 4—Venus Enters Virgo:
For the next few weeks, our leonine passions get some grounding, thanks to practically-minded Venus in Virgo. This transit is asking us to devote time to refining our daily work and health routines so we can have more time for pleasurable pursuits. We're also more likely to invest in quality back-to-school supplies now, as Venus rules our finances and Virgo can't wait to shine in the classroom.
August 4—Mercury Retrograde in Virgo:
Life gets interesting when communicative and organized Mercury goes retrograde and becomes more introspective. In Virgo, this Mercury transit will remind you about important tasks left on the back burner, and encourages you to take a look at them with a fresh perspective. Keep in mind that Mercury will only be visiting Virgo for just over a week, before it returns to fun-loving Leo. So anything you forgot to de-clutter, alphabetize, edit or water needs your undivided attention until mid-month.
August 4—New Moon in Leo:
August's powerful new moon in Leo is asking you to follow your heart and shine a spotlight on your personal passions. What opportunities are you truly excited about and what activities make you feel most confident about yourself? With support from expansive Jupiter and motivational Mars, this inspiring new moon is encouraging you to forget your fears and go after your goals with gusto! It may take a little time to get your ideas of the ground due to Mercury turning retrograde today, but it's still a great time to meditate on the passion projects you can fully commit to at the end of the month.
August 14—Mercury Retrograde in Leo:
When Mercury retrograde moves into Leo, we can see the lion's signature confidence intensify. While being more assertive can help us confront challenging people and situations, we run the risk of communicating in ways we normally wouldn't. Over the next two weeks, It's important to balance your newfound courage with a healthy dose of humility.
August 19—Full Moon in Aquarius:
This full supermoon could feel a little intense, because freedom-loving Aquarius loves to provoke change and there are several uncomfortable aspects associated with this moon— including an almost exact t-square with the sun in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. Be prepared for sudden surprises at this time and do your best to stay calm, cool and collected if you need to go of any previously made plans. As Aquarius rules society and the internet, we're also likely to hear about unexpected events in the news and on social media at this time.
August 22—Sun Enters Virgo:
The sun moves from the Lion to the Maiden today, as we officially enter Virgo season! While this day marks the winding down of Leo playtime, there’s still a discernible excitement in the air when we begin to colour code the calendar. The Virgo sun loves to improve through creating organized systems, so it’s an excellent time to clear away any mental clutter and figure out ways you can work smarter instead of harder.
August 28—Mercury Direct in Leo:
After a ruminative few weeks, Mercury's forward movement through lively Leo helps us feel more clear and confident about decisions related to romance, creativity and children. This is a perfect time to return to the dating scene, start singing lessons or enroll your child in dance classes.
August 29—Venus Enters Libra:
We close the month with some sweetness, thanks to Venus moving into her home sign of lovely Libra. Over the next few weeks, this harmonious transit is urging you to connect with others on a deeper level. Make an effort to spread peace, create beauty and prioritize the important people in your life.